Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mock Apple Sauce


Prep time: 5 min   Cook time: 15-20 min   Serving Size: 1 Cup   Yield:  about 2 cups (varies)             


2 Zucchini (about 1½-2” wide, 8” long), sliced
1 pinch Real Salt
Water for consistency
2 Tbsp Walden Farms Apple Butter Spread


1) Steam/Boil zucchini until desired consistency, set aside and allow to cool
2) Place zucchini in blender/food processor, add remaining ingredients, using water
            sparingly and blend briefly…add more water to desired consistency
3) Adjust to taste and enjoy!

RECIPE OPTIONS: 1) Add 1 teaspoon Walden Farms Pancake Syrup for a more sweet taste, 2) Add 2 Tablespoons Walden Farms Caramel Syrup for color & caramel = additional ½ invisible carbohydrate, 3) Add a splash of vanilla or green apple flavoring, 4) Adjust the consistency by cooking the zucchini longer for smooth applesauce, or cook only briefly for chunky applesauce, 5) Try some “Apple Pie Spice” from your local grocery store…note the serving size!

IP Products: None

Phase 1 serving: 1 cup =1 serving of vegetables plus One invisible carbohydrate*

NoteBe careful with the Invisible Carbs here.  Play with this recipe until you find your favorite combination.

* One Invisible Carbohydrate can be equal to one gram of carbohydrate.  The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) allows food manufacturers to label any food/drink with 5 or fewer calories or, 999 milligrams of a carbohydrate (almost 1 gram), for each serving size and still label that serving as 0 Calories and 0 grams carbohydrate!!! You must be vigilant to read labels and watch for 0-0-0 grams of carb, fat & sugar.  If there is a serving size listed, there is probably a carb in there somewhere!  Remember…too many of the invisible carbs can kick you out of ketosis if you are in Phase 1 or 2.

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